Thursday 1 May 2014

Main Places at Tirumala Tirupathi

The Lord Venkateswara Swamy Temple dated back to 1200 BC has developed into a huge shrine spread over 415 feet long and 263 feet wide. The entire Tirumala shrine has a heavy density of population with a foot fall of nearly 75,000 devotees daily besides an employee force, police and updating staff of another 20,000. There are several divinely granite and sand stone-carved doorways, mandapams, sub - shrines, mini – gopurams, gold and silver plated doorways, huge prakrams and pradakshinams inside the Temple complex. It also houses separate chambers for keeping his ornaments, holy silks, fresh garlands, sandal wood grinder all along his temple. Besides a Potu (kitchen) to make Laddu prasadam for devotees, there is also a special kitchen where the lords daily food (naivedyam) are prepared on a round the clock and shift basis. In all there are 27 historic, holy and also unique structures inside the Lord Venkateswara Swamy temple which includes three prakarams (compound walls) built with heavy rocks and metal sealing as old as 1000 year. Added to the religious and devotional potion and performance is the Holy Mada streets .While the North and south Mada streets measure 800 feet each while the West streets is 900 feet but the East Mada street running infront of the main temple is about 750 feet .

Padi Kavali Maha Dwaram
The Padi Kavali Maha Dwara or Outer Gopuram stands on a quadrangular base 38 feet to south to north and 32 feet east to West. The doorway in the gopurams is 11 feet. The door frames, door jams , sills are all made of thick cut stone . Built during the late Chola period the Mahagopuram is 50 feet tall it has (almost five stories ) and each level has number of mini shrines. The inscriptions on the gopuram belong to 13th century. There are a number of stucco figures of Vaishnava gods like Hanuman, Kevale Narasimha and Lakshmi Narasimha on the gopuram. Legends speak about the saint Ramanujacharyas crow bar which dug the first soil pit also visible on the door frame in the Mahadwaram .

Sampangi Prakaram
The path for circumambulating the temple is called a Prakarams (pathways). The Lord Venkateswara Swamy temple has three pradakshinams. Between the outermost and inside prakarams is the second pathway known as the Sampangi Prakaram of which one side is completely closed to pilgrims. The prakaram is now used as a major store room inside the temple where behind the cast iron grills, commodities are stored after they were transported via an escalator from South Mada Street. Legends say that the prakaram was used earlier to conduct processions of the deities during rainy and trouble some days. The Sampangi Pradakshinam contains several interesting mandapams like the Pratima Mandapam, Ranga Mandapam, Tirumala Raya Mandapam, Saluva Narasimha Mandapam, Aina Mahal and Dhvajasthambha Mandapam. Most of these are additions to the temple made during the Vijayanagara king Srikrishnadeva Raya and others.

Krishna Deva Raya Mandapam
After passing through the Padi Kavali Mahadwaram you will land lf in an open mandapam called the Krishna Deva Raya Mandapam or Pratima Mandapam. This mandapam gets its name from the pratimas or bronze portrait icons of the Vijayanagara emperor Krishnadevaraya and his two consorts, Tirumaladevi and Chinnadevi. It also hosts a statue of Venkatapathi Raya and Achyutha Raya, who succeeded Krishna Deva Raya to the throne, and his wife Varadajiamma. The Mandapam has beautiful wall pictures of the Vijayanagara period like, Srirama breaking the bow, Srirama Pattabhishekam and Krishna Leela. Sri Vaishnava symbols or the Urdhvapundras flanked by a conch and disc are carved at the top of the two main pillars of the Mandapam.

Ranganayaka Mandapam
Ranganayaka Mandapam alias Ranga Mandapam alias Ranganayakula Mandapam, is located in the south-eastern corner of the Sampangi Prakaram or Pradakshinam. The shrine within it is believed to be the place where the utsava murti of Lord Ranganadha of Srirangam was kept during the 14th century, when Srirangam was occupied by Muslim rulers. Now the mandapam is used for holding Snapana Thirumanjanams during Brahmotsavam period and other festivals

Tirumala Raya Mandapam
Tirumala Raya Mandapam adjoining the Ranga Mandapam on the western side, and facing the Dhvajasthambha Mandapam is a spacious complex of pavilions known as the Tirumala Raya Mandapam or Anna Unjal Mandapam. It consists of two different levels, the front at a lower level and the rear at a higher carved in black granite stone with period architecture of vines, yalis and stucco features. It is in this Mandapam, that the utsava murthi Malayappan, holds His annual darbar or Anivari Asthanam during the hoisting of the Garudadhwaja on Dhwajastambham to mark the commencement of Brahmotsavam. Incidentally, the prasadam distributed on this occasion is still called Tirumalarayan Pongal. It is also called Anna-Vuyala utsavam ( a typical unjal seva) . The Mandapam has a typical complex of pillars in the Vijayanagara style with rearing horses. The bronze statues of Todermallu, his mother Matha Mohana Devi and wife Pitha Bibi, are kept in a corner of the Mandapam.

Aina Mahal
The Aina Mahal or the Mirror hall is on the northern side of the Tirumala Raya Mandapam spread over 42 square feet each two chambers. It consists of two parts - an open mandapam in the front consisting of six rows comprising six pillars each, and a shrine behind it consisting of an Antarala and Garbhagriha. It has large mirrors which reflect beauty and fiery of the idols infinitely from all angles. There is an unjal in the middle of the room in which the Lord is seated and festivals conducted. The Dolotsavam festival is conducted in this hall regularly.

Dhwajasthambha Mandapam
Dhwajasthambha Mandapam houses the Dhwajastambha (a wooden flagpole encased in gold plate) and the Bali Peetha (seat for food offering). A peculiar feature of the Mandapam is that its ceiling is covered to facilitate the conduction of the rituals in all weather conditions. The pillars mandapam have the idols of Yoga Narasimha, Matsya, Hanuman, Krishna killing Bakasura, Srinivasa Kalyanam scenes etc. On the Dwajasthambham itself there are statues of Krishna killing Kaliya serpent etc . The relative positions of the Dhwajasthambha and the Bali Peetha are in accordance with Vaikhanasa Agamic traditions.

Nadimi Padi Kavali
The inner Gopuram – the Nadimi Padi Kavali or Inner Gopuram is the inner entrance to the temple, which is reached through the Dhvajasthambha Mandapam.Its wooden doors are covered with silver plates, and therefore it is also referred to as the Vendi Vakili. The doors are smaller than that of the Outer Gopuram. The gopurams is 30 feet tall and its outer face of the walls of this gopurams contain inscriptions of 15 and 16th century.There are numerous inscriptions on the inside walls, the earliest relating to the Pandyan monarch, Jata Varma Sundarapandya, who became king in 1251 AD.

Vimana Pradakshinam
The Vimana Pradakshinam or Prakaram is the commonly-used circumambulatory pathway around the central shrine. The vimana over the sanctum can be seen from this pathway. Pilgrims who have taken a vow of performing Angapradakshinam perform it in the Vimana Pradakshinam. However On an average 500 pilgrims are permitted to conduct Anga Pradakshinam only inside the Sampangi prakaram every Saturday. The corridor around this prakaram accommodates the deepala roo,m( room of lights),gammikar’s room ( works), kaikolos room amd pallaki room . It has a Sangita Bhandaram containing hundreds of copper plates inscribed by saint composer Annamacharya.

Sri Varadarajaswami Shrine
Sri Varadaraja Swami, a shrine of Sri Varadarajaswami is an independent shrine located on the eastern side of the vimana. The shrine is located to the right of the entrance to sanctum of Lord Venkateswara Swamy temple which is 20 feet in length and15 feet in width. The idol of Sri Varadarajaswami faces the West and is in a standing posture, with a disc and conch in the upper right and left hands respectively. The lower right hand is in the Abhaya pose and the lower left, in the Katyavalambika pose.The name Varadaraja is given to this form of Sri Maha Vishnu as he is believed to be the giver of boons.

The Potu or main kitchen where the food-offerings for the Lord Venkateswara Swamy temple are prepared, is to the south of the Varadarajaswami shrine. Inside the Potu, there is a small shrine dedicated to Sri Maha Lakshmi, who is also called Potu Amma (lady of the kitchen) or Madapuli Nachiyar. She is also identified with Vakulamalika, who was, according to the Puranas, sent by Varahaswami to be the house-keeper of Sri Venkateswara, when he resided on the hill. Vakulamalika is said to have arranged Lord Sri Venkateswara's marriage with Padmavathi. Rice prasadam is prepared in the inner Poti and are served to the deity every day at scheduled breaks thrice a day .

The Main Shrine
The main shrine includes the sanctum and the three successive halls in front of it up to the Bangaru Vakili. It consists of several other mini halls like the
1. Snapana Mandapam, a square hall.
2. Ramar Meda, a rectangular hall
3. Sayana Mandapam, also rectangular in shape, where the Ekanta Seva is performed.
4. Sanctum or Garba Griha, in which the idol of Lord Sri Venkateswara stands. In between the sanctum and the Sayana Mandapam, is the celebrated threshold, called the Kulasekhara-padi. The main idol of Lord Venkateswara stands on gold plated lotus pedestal to a height of 18 feet and the sanctum is 12 feet and 9 inches raidus . The entire east face of the sanctum is gold plated with a gold plated door – bangaru vakili. The gopurams of the main shrine inside is also gold plated. Lord Venkateswara Swamy temple is unique for having the only one idol of Vishnu - (described as Eka murti temple) in the entire world as all other Vishnu temples have their consorts and sub deities also. (For more details look into pages-97, 99 -126 in the book of Dr N Ramesan – The Tirumala Temple).

Sankeertana Bhandara
Adjoining the porch of Bhashyakara Sannidhi on its western side of the Vimana Pralkaram in a small chamber called Talapakamara or Sankeertana Bhandara. It house the copper plate collection of sankeertanas composed by the Talapaka poets (Talapaka Annamacharya, his son Pedda Tirumalacharya and grandson Chinna Tirumalacharya), who were minstrels attached to the hill shrine. Annamacharya a senior contemporary of Purandara Dasa and his Keertans can be classified into three groups - Adhyatama Sankeertanam, Sringara Sankeertanam and Srungara Manjari.

Bangaru Bavi
Bangaru Bavi In front of the Potu is a well called the Bangaru Bavi. The well provided water needs of the Lord Venkateswara kitchen (Potu) through stone pipes laid way back hudreds years ago. In the Agamas he well is described as holy and sacred and is built with the unique engineering of the Vijayanagara architects . The water supply system in the water is a replica of the Hampi city of the Krishnadeva Raya period. Devotees and pilgrims throw coins into the well and consider as a ‘wish well’ to provide solutions to their problems.

Snapana Mandapam
After crossing the Bangaru Vakili one entered a semi dark chambers ahead of the Sanctum of Lord Venkateswara. This is the Snapana Mandapam has four central pillars, which bear sculptures of Bala Krishna, Yoga Narasimha and Kaliayamardhana and that of Sri Maha Vishnu in the seated pose shown with four arms. The Lord's consorts are also shown seated in Sukhasana on either side of him.

Ramar Meda
Ramar Meda, which means 'the elevated platform for Rama', used to house the icons of Rama, Sita and Laxmana. These icons have since been moved to the sanctum to accompany the majestic statue of Lord Venkateswara. Ramar Meda was the junction of the first pradakshina path – i.e., mukkoti Pradakshina. But it was closed in 1262-1265 and is now a closed room. It has two platforms exhibiting the statues of Angada , Hanuman ,Sugriva and Vali in bronze and also hosted the sub shrines of Vishvaksena and Garuda who are the utsava murthis of their respective sub-shrines.

Sayana Mandapam
The Sayana Mandapam, also called the Ardha Mandapam, is directly in front of the sanctum (in accordance with the Agamas). This is as close to the sanctum that the pilgrims can get. The Mandapam is connected to the sanctum by the threshold called Kulasekhara-padi, named after an Alwar who wished to be reborn as the threshold to the Lord's shrine. The main function of this Mandapam is to facilitate the performance of rituals that cannot be accommodated in the sanctum. The Mandapam is so called because it is here that the representative icon of the Lord (Bhoga Srinivasa) is ceremoniously put to bed as the last sequence (Sayanotsava or Ekanta Seva) of daily worship. The 18x6 feet room is the final resting place of the Lord Venkateswara every day after the daily Ekanta Seva ritual.

Garbha Gruha
The Garbha Gruha or sanctum is where the main idol of Lord Sri Venkateswara resides. The idol stands majestically in the sanctum directly beneath a gilt and gold plated gopurams called the Ananda Nilaya Divya Vimana. It is a 12 x12 feet square structure and its walls were built in 8 or 9th century with huge cut granite stones the main idol Mula Virat is believed to be self-manifested and no human being is known to have installed it in the shrine. The idol wears a gold kiritam with a large emerald embedded and a diamond kiritam on special ocassion.The Lord has a thick double patch of upwrought namam drawn with refined camphor, which screens his eyes with a kasturitilakam. The jewelry, apparel and the daily decorations are feast for eyes of the devotees and a special team of priests and temple staff undertake the exercise with pious and devotion. Lord Venkateswara Swamy lotus feet are covered with gold frames and decked with clinging gold anklets. A strong curved belt of gold encompasses his legs. The Ananda Nilaya Divya Vimana was covered with gilt copper plates and surmounted with a golden vase.

Kalyana Mandapam
Kalyanotsavam or marriage festival is celebrated in the Kalyana Mandapam. The Kalyana Mandapam is architecturally similar to the Tirumala Raya Mandapam. At its western end, is a small mandapam carried on slender cut-stone pillars and surmounted by a vimana. This mandapam is regularly used for conducting daily Kalyanotsavams and comprises of richly decorated pillars , architecture of the Chola and he Vijayanagara period .

Ramanuja Shrine (Bhashyakara Sannidhi)
Adjacent to the Sangeeta Bhandara in the northern corridor of the Vimana Pradakshinam is the shrine of Sri Ramanuja and is also called the Bhashyakara Sannidhi. Ramanuja was the architect of Tirupati and the father figure of the Sri Vaishnava community. He designed the Nandanavanams or flower gardens of Tirumala He lay down the worship procedures and rituals besides the Agama concept for the maintenance of the Sri Venkateswara temple. The shrine was overlooks the western end of the Tirumamani Mandapam and figures prominently during the festival of Adhyayanotsavam. Special worship is conducted in this shrine during Gandhapodi Utsavam and Bhashyakara Utsavam when the utsava murthi of Ramanuja is taken in a grand procession to meet Malayappa near the Padi Kavali.

Sri Narasimhaswami Shrine
Sri Narasimhaswami Shrine is located to the left of the front pavilion of the Ramanuja shrine. It houses an idol of Sri Yoga Narasimha Built in the 15th century, the shrine is surrounded by a polished mandapam. Artistic dance poses of the period are depicted in the sculptured pillars. The shrine has history found in inscriptions dating back to 1469 and the deity is popularly known as Alagiyasingar. The fully stone carved mandapam and the temple facing the Lord Venkateswara Swamy temple is a major attraction to all devotees.

Tirumamani Mandapam(Mukha Mandapam)
The Tirumamani Mandapam built by Mallanna or Madhavadasa Chief of Chandragiri is supported by sixteen carved pillars, which introduce a natural division of the area into three aisles. There are two massive, inscribed bells, known as Tirumani or Tirumahamani, which give the Mandapam its name and used during the Naivedyam in the sanctum. The Mandapam serves as an Asthana Mandapam, where Koluvu Srinivasa holds court after the Thomala Seva in the sanctum, listens to the reading of the almanac, and presides over the giving of daily rations of rice. The recitation of Suprabhatam also takes place here.

Bangaru Vakili
When you enter the Tirumamani Mandapam, you walk through the Bangaru Vakili to reach the inner sanctum sanctorum. There are two tall copper images of the dwarapalakas Jaya and Vijaya on either side of the door. The thick wooden door is covered with gilt plates depicting the dasavataram of Sri Maha Vishnu. Suprabhatam is sung in front of this door every day for waking up the deity in early hours.

Mukkoti Pradakshinam
Mukkoti Pradakshinam is an enclosed pathway for circumambulation that runs around the sanctum and the porch in front of it. Mukkoti Pradakshinam is opened to pilgrims only twice a year during Mukkoti Ekadasi and Mukkoti Dvadasi. The doors are opened on the night of the eleventh day morning (early hours) after Thiruppavai and closed on the night of the twelfth day (called Margali-tiru-dvadasi).

Sri Vishwaksena Temple
Sri Vishvaksena Temple is located at the northern side of the main temple, in the Mukkoti Pradakshinam. Sri Vishwaksena occupies an important place in the Vaikhanasa Agama. In Vaishnavite functions and temple rituals, Sri Vishwaksena is worshipped first. Vishwaksena is said to be the chief of the army (of the Lord) and is believed to protect the function or ritual from evil.. The idol of Vishwaksena and its worship are strictly in accordance with the Vaikhanasa Agama. During the daily worship of Lord Venkateswara, the garlands and flowers (called nirmalya) from the Lord's idol are removed and Vishwaksena is worshipped with them. Before commencement of the annual Brahmotsavam, the Senadhipathi or Vishvaksena Utsava is performed followed by Ankurarpana. His idol is also taken out in a procession during the Adhyayanotsavam.

Sri Yoga Narasimhaswami Temple
The sub-temple for Sri Yoga Narasimhaswami, facing the west, is located in a mandapam in the north-eastern corner of the first prakaram. The temple attracts devotees for its well sculpted idol and also the rituals held throughout the year .Devotees throng the temple before going to put their donations in the Hundi opposite to it .

Sri Garuda Temple
The tour of Lord Venkateswara Swamy temple complex completes with the temple of Garuda (also called Garudalwar) located directly opposite the presiding deity in the Sri Venkateswara temple. Being the Lord's mount he is shown with outstretched wings, ever ready to carry him. You will find Garuda's image not only in the shrine but also at the corners of the prakarams, mandapams and vimanas. At the commencement of the annual Brahmotsavam of Lord Sri Venkateswara, a flag with the image of Garuda is hoisted on the Dhwajasthamba.

Sri Varahaswami Temple
Sri Varahaswami Temple in Tirumala is to the north of the Sri Venkateswara Temple, on the banks of Swami Pushkarini.
According to legend, Tirumala was originally Adi Varaha Kshetra (the home of Sri Adi Varaha Swami), and it was with his permission that Lord Sri Venkateswara took up residence here.
According to the Brahma Purana, pilgrims should first offernaivedyam to Sri Adi Varaha Swami, before visiting the Sri Venkateswara Temple.
According to Atri Samhita (Samurtarchanadhikara), the Varahaavatara is worshipped in three forms: 
·         Adi Varaha
·         Pralaya Varaha
·         Yajna Varaha 
The idol of Sri Varahaswami in Tirumala is that of Adi Varaha, as it resembles the description of the Adi Varaha murti in Vaikhanasa Agama texts.

Swami Pushkarini
Swami Pushkarini was originally in Vaikuntam and belonged to Sri Maha Vishnu. It was set on Earth by Garuda, for the sport of Sri Venkateswara. It is adjacent to the Sri Venkateswara temple.
Pilgrims bathe here before entering the main temple.
The mukkoti of Swami Pushkarini (the merging of over three crore teerthams in Swami Pushkarini) occurs on Mukkoti Dwadasi (the twelfth day of the fortnight of Dhanur Masa). Therefore, it is believed that bathing in the Swami Pushkarini on this day, is equivalent to bathing in the holy river, Ganges.

On the western bank of the Swami Pushkarini is the Sri Varahaswami temple, while on its southern bank is the Sri Venkateswara temple.
The wooden-float festival of Lord Sri Venkateswara in the month of February/March and Avabhrudhasnanam or Chakrasnanam during Brahmotsavam takes place in the Swami Pushkarini.
Festivals at Teerthams

Day on which the Festival is Held Every Year
Magha Pournami
Pushya Pournami
Phalguna Pournami
Karthika Masa - Ksheerabdhi Dwadasi

Sri Bedi Anjaneyaswami Temple
Sri Bedi Anjaneyaswami Temple is located on Sannidhi Street, opposite the main temple. (In the Vaishnavite tradition, it is customary to have either Garuda or Anjaneya opposite the main temple.) 
The idol of Sri Anjaneya is shown with its hands folded in supplication (the Anjali pose). Sri Anjenaya is a devotee of Sri Rama, just as Garuda is of Sri Maha Vishnu.  
Abhishekam is performed every Sunday and special offerings are made on Hanuman Jayanti.

Sri Anjaneyaswami Temple
Sri Anjaneyaswami Temple is located opposite the Sri Varahaswami temple on the north-eastern banks of the Swami Pushkarini. It was constructed during the Mahant's period . The idol's hands are joined in supplication (in the Anjali pose). 
Sri Anjaneyaswami is believed to be a bestower of boons and a protector from all evil. At the temple, Abhishekam is conducted every Sunday.
Teerthams in Tirumala
There are several teerthams in Tirumala:
  • Swami Pushkarini
  • Akasaganga Teertham
  • Papavinasanam Teertham
  • Pandava Teertham
  • Kumaradhara Teertham
  • Tumbhuru Teertham
  • Ramakrishna Teertham 
  • Chakra Teertham
  • Vaikuntha Teertham
  • Sesha Teertham
  • Sitamma Teertham
  • Pasupu Teertham
  • Japali Teertham
  • Sanaka Sanandana Teertham

Swami Pushkarini
Swami Pushkarini was originally in Vaikuntam and belonged to Sri Maha Vishnu. It was set on Earth by Garuda, for the sport of Sri Venkateswara. It is adjacent to the Sri Venkateswara temple.
Pilgrims bathe here before entering the main temple.
The mukkoti of Swami Pushkarini (the merging of over three crore teerthams in Swami Pushkarini) occurs on Mukkoti Dwadasi (the twelfth day of the fortnight of Dhanur Masa). Therefore, it is believed that bathing in the Swami Pushkarini on this day, is equivalent to bathing in the holy river, Ganges.
On the western bank of the Swami Pushkarini is the Sri Varahaswami temple, while on its southern bank is the Sri Venkateswara temple.
The wooden-float festival of Lord Sri Venkateswara in the month of February/March and Avabhrudhasnanam or Chakrasnanam during Brahmotsavam takes place in the Swami Pushkarini.

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